Our 15-minute PTPA video has been the #1 most viewed video on YouTube (over 15 million views) regarding potty training a puppy. We thought you may be interested in seeing comments and questions from real YouTube viewers about the Puppy Apartment. If you visit YouTube.com and view our video titled Potty Training Puppy Apartment – Official Full Video, you will see all the comments and questions. For your convenience, we have posted a small sample of them below. We have included their YouTube username under their question or comment. Their question or comment is in blue, and if they asked a question, our response is in black.

YouTube Viewer:
I have a PTPA small size for my Papillon & Im VERY pleased with the results! I will recommend this to every1 I know, worth EVERY penny!!!! I will NEVER potty train any other way again! Great product! Highly recommend this investment :)

YouTube Viewer:
Is there a size big enough for a full grown Labrador? He's not fully grown yet, but he grew twice the size he was in 2 weeks. I dont want to have to constantly buy different sizes. We are currently doing the crate training but i just think its cruel. He also has amazingly long legs, which i guess im just not used to because we also have two dachshunds. Theyre already trained, but my Lab is having a lot of accidents.
Modern Puppies:
We would suggest an XLarge PTPA for a Labrador Retriever. The XLarge PTPA will last your dog’s entire life because the bedroom is adjustable. The PTPA will now provide your dog a safe, warm and comfortable place to relieve himself without having to painfully hold it or pottying on his bed. It will also take away all the stress of worrying about your dog having to potty. Just follow our simple training tips in our free Instructional DVD that comes with the PTPA and those accidents will disappear.

YouTube Viewer:
what size would you suggest for a yorkie?
Modern Puppies:
A Yorkshire Terrier (aka Yorkie) can use either an XSmall or Small PTPA. If you are confident that your puppy will not grow to be over 5lbs as an adult we would suggest an XSmall PTPA. If you think there is a possibility your puppy will weigh over 5lbs as an adult then we would suggest a Small PTPA. If you are not sure about the adult weight, then the safe way to go is the Small PTPA. The PTPA can never be too big, however, it can be too small if you order the incorrect size.
YouTube Viewer:
Great video, does the apartment come in size small, medium, large and x large?
Modern Puppies:
Thanks. Yes, the PTPA comes in all those sizes and more.
YouTube Viewer:
Is there one for a size such as a German Shepherd?
Modern Puppies:
Yes. We would suggest an XLarge PTPA for a German Shepherd.
YouTube Viewer:
What size do u suggest for a Shetland Sheepdog puppy.
Modern Puppies:
A Shetland Sheepdog (aka Sheltie) normally ends up weighing about 20lbs as an adult. We would suggest the Large PTPA for your Sheltie. The PTPA can never be too big, however, it can be too small if you order the incorrect size. Some dogs ends up weighing over the average adult weight and you want your PTPA to last your dog’s entire life.
YouTube Viewer:
I would so buy one if i had a dog :(
YouTube Viewer:
can big dogs like, let's say, laboradors, fit in one? When they are full size?
Modern Puppies:
Absolutely. We would suggest an XLarge PTPA for a Labrador Retriever.
YouTube Viewer:
what size do you recommend for a Pomeranian?
Modern Puppies:
We would suggest a Small PTPA for a Pomeranian as they usually end up weighing around 7lbs as an adult.
YouTube Viewer:
what size do you suggest for a lhasa apso?
Modern Puppies:
We would suggest a Medium PTPA for a Lhasa Apso as they usually end up weighing about 13-15lbs as an adult.
YouTube Viewer:
this looks amazing!!!! what size do you think would fit a Norwich terrier? thanks!!!
Modern Puppies:
We would suggest a Medium PTPA for a Norwich Terrier as they usually end up weighing about 12lbs as an adult.
YouTube Viewer:
what size would a pomeranian get?
Modern Puppies:
We would suggest a Small PTPA for a Pomeranian as they usually end up weighing about 7lbs as an adult.
YouTube Viewer:
I'm definitely going to try that! thanks!

YouTube Viewer:
Hello PTPA, I'm getting a Miniature Pinscher for my Birthday! I have been searching up a bunch a supplies for the new comer. I'm interested in buying this! Its just so amazing! But what I want to know is what size should i get for a 1-6 Month old puppy & a 7-12 month puppy?
Modern Puppies:
If you think either one of your Miniature Pinschers will weigh over 10lbs as an adult, we would suggest a Medium PTPA. If you think they will weigh less than 10lbs as an adult, we would suggest a Small PTPA. If you are not sure then go with the Medium PTPA. The PTPA can never be too big, however, it can be too small if you order the incorrect size.
YouTube Viewer:
What size should I get for a Chiweenie about 1 year old?
Modern Puppies:
We would suggest a Medium PTPA for a 1yr old Chiweenie.

YouTube Viewer:
hello i also have a toy poodle its not a toy what size do think is good for it?
Modern Puppies:
We would suggest a Small PTPA for a Toy Poodle.
YouTube Viewer:
do yall make anything bigger for say an american staffordshire?
Modern Puppies:
Yes, we would suggest an XLarge PTPA for an American Staffordshire Terrier as they usually end up weighing about 60lbs as an adult.
YouTube Viewer:
This is great! :D I have a 6 year old standard American Eskimo dog and she has trouble holding it when everyone's out of the house and then she has to go to the bathroom when she can't wait anymore. She would sometimes miss the underpad we set out for her. What would be a good size for my dog?
Modern Puppies:
It depends on what size American Eskimo Dog you have. If you have a Toy, we would suggest a Small PTPA. If you have a Miniature, we would suggest a Medium PTPA. If you have Standard, we would suggest a Large PTPA.

YouTube Viewer:
Hi, this looks great! I will be getting an 8 week old corgi in the next month and will use this for a permanent bathroom in my apartment, what size should i get to accommodate her through puppy and adult years? she will be no more than 30 pounds full grown!
Modern Puppies:
Thanks. We would suggest a Large PTPA for your Corgi.
YouTube Viewer:
Hello! For a shiba inu pup that grows up to an adult, what size would be suitable? Thank you for any help! :)
Modern Puppies:
We would suggest a Large PTPA for your Shiba Inu.
YouTube Viewer:
I think this is a wonderful product that would be really useful whenever I get my pup. I am thinking of getting a Cavalier King Charles spaniel next year, and I want to know what size I would need to get. Cavaliers normaly grow up to around 14 inches tall at the most, so what size do you think I would need?
Modern Puppies:
We would suggest a Medium PTPA for a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel as they usually end up weighing about 13-18lbs as an adult.
YouTube Viewer:
Hey I'm getting a Yellow Labrador Retriever Puppy and I wanted to know what PTPA size would be good for him?
Modern Puppies:
We would suggest an XLarge PTPA for your Yellow Labrador Retriever.
YouTube Viewer:
Is it ok if I put 3 teacup yorkies in a medium ptpa?
Modern Puppies:
Only if all three Yorkies like sleeping together. If any of your Yorkies prefer to sleep alone then we would suggest they have their own PTPA.

YouTube Viewer:
There is also another up side to this crate. It is great for elderly people that have a dog.
Modern Puppies:
Yes, you are correct.

YouTube Viewer:
i have a pomeraniain what size would be ok?
Modern Puppies:
We would suggest a Small PTPA for a Pomeranian as they usually end up weighing around 7lbs as an adult.

YouTube Viewer:
I'm just wondering, I'm getting a beagle puppy and what size cage should I get?
Modern Puppies:
We would suggest a Large PTPA for a Beagle as they can weigh up to 30lbs as an adult.

YouTube Viewer:
does this mean i dont have to take my dog out every night to let it use the bathroom?
Modern Puppies:
Yes, you and your dog no longer have to go outside in the freezing cold at night and wait countless minutes for your dog to hopefully go potty. The PTPA will be a safe and warm place for your dog to go potty at night.

YouTube Viewer:
i love it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YouTube Viewer:
hey, is shipping available to Canada? i wanna buy this for my yorkie!
Modern Puppies:
Yes, we ship to Canada everyday. We look forward to potty training your Yorkie!

YouTube Viewer:
What size for a Toy fox Terrier? Small?
Modern Puppies:
Yes, a Small Puppy Apartment would be best for a Toy Fox Terrier.

YouTube Viewer:
I absolutely LOVE my Puppy Apartment! It was definitely what I needed for my new puppy a couple months back, she is now trained! Thanks again!!
Modern Puppies:
It’s always our pleasure to potty train puppies and to re-train adult dogs to use the PTPA. Thanks for sharing your experience with the PTPA!

YouTube Viewer:
hi, I have a 4 year old pug and I was wondering what size would be right for him? Hes about 25 pound's so would a large be ok?
Modern Puppies:
Yes, a Large PTPA would be best for a 25lb Pug.

YouTube Viewer:
omg this invention is absolutly amazing! Im here looking all over the place looking for a permanent indoor potty and here you guys have it! i couldn't be happier
Hey i was wondering what would be a good Puppy Apartment size for a English Toy Spaniel i'll be getting soon? (through puppy & adulthood)
Modern Puppies:
Thanks for your kind words. We would suggest a Medium PTPA for your English Toy Spaniel as they can reach up to 14lbs as an adult.

YouTube Viewer:
Hey, great looking product and video!

Curious, I have an Australian Shepard/Golden Labrador mix. He's 7 weeks old and insists he's part of our pack (me n' the wife). We live in an apartment and my dog loves to poop and pee on my balcony while we're both at work. We tried the grass and that was a massive FAIL. We're thinking this is a great solution.

What type of surface is below the pee-pad in the apartment? We're gone for 10 hours and our dog eats/drinks A'LOT during this time.
Modern Puppies:
The surface below the dog’s bed and potty pad is very strong, durable and thick composite plastic pan. The pan can be locked in place or unlocked if you ever need access to it. The PTPA and its components are made of the highest quality materials and craftsmanship. The PTPA was built to last your dog’s entire life.

YouTube Viewer:
What is the difference between small potty pads and bulk small potty pads?
Modern Puppies:
The only difference is the quantity. Small potty pads can be purchased individually. A bulk pack of small potty pads have 150 pads in a box and you receive a bigger discount for buying the potty pads in bulk.

YouTube Viewer:
hi, im planning to get a sheltie soon. would a medium size be okay? or a large?
Modern Puppies:
A Shetland Sheepdog (aka Sheltie) normally ends up weighing about 20lbs as an adult. We would suggest the Large PTPA for your Sheltie. The PTPA can never be too big, however, it can be too small if you order the incorrect size. Some dogs end up weighing over the average adult weight and you want your PTPA to last your dog’s entire life.

YouTube Viewer:
Wondering what size for a Shih Tzu? We have a full grown that is 10.8 lbs and a 9 week old that is maybe 1.5 lb at most. Will use on the puppy and then when it is trained will RE-train the adult.
Modern Puppies:
We would suggest one Medium Puppy Apartment for your situation. After you potty train your Shih Tzu puppy, you can then re-train your adult Shih Tzu. This way you do not have to buy two Puppy Apartments.

YouTube Viewer:

YouTube Viewer:
nice effects!! and those puppies are adorable

YouTube Viewer:
I have a one year old Pomeranian, a small one would be right for him right?
Modern Puppies:
Yes. A Small PTPA would be best as long as he is under 10lbs.

YouTube Viewer:
very cool idea

YouTube Viewer:
What size do you recommend for a maltese (right now, it is only 3 months)?
Modern Puppies:
We would suggest a Small Puppy Apartment for your Maltese since they usually end up weighing about 4-7lbs as an adult.
YouTube Viewer:
What size would you suggest for an italian greyhound?
Modern Puppies:
A Medium PTPA would be best for an Italian Greyhound as they usually end up weighing about 10-14lbs as an adult.
YouTube Viewer:
What size ptpa for a standard beagle?
Modern Puppies:
We would suggest a Large PTPA for a Beagle because they can weigh up to 30lbs as an adult. Thanks for your inquiry.
YouTube Viewer:
This is a great idea! Really smart.

And no wonder people have trouble potty training their dogs. I'd never be able to get a dog to go on the toilet. Haha. Sorry, had to make that joke.

Anyway this is a really great product and once I adopt my puppy I'll certainly look into getting one.
YouTube Viewer:
wow this is amazing n very awsome lol who ever created this puppy potty training device lol there awsome lol. lol mm im just wondering though how much $ is the device??
Modern Puppies:
Thanks for your kind words. We have pricing information on our web site and the price depends on the size of the PTPA.
YouTube Viewer:
Where would you buy one?????
Modern Puppies:
The PTPA is only available on our website and should be in pet stores next year.
YouTube Viewer:
Is the PTPA that Ace is in a Medium or a Small?
Modern Puppies:
Ace was using a Small PTPA. Near the end of the video we have 3 dogs using PTPA's and the PTPA in the middle is a Small and the two on the outside are Mediums.
YouTube Viewer:
Great idea! How long does it take to arrive once I place my order? Also, does it take an older dog (say, 2yrs old) to figure out where to go potty?
Modern Puppies:
It normally takes 3-5 business days depending on what state you live in. Older dogs easily learn where to go potty with the PTPA. Our 39-minute Instructional DVD that is free with the PTPA discusses in detail how adult dogs easily adapt to the PTPA.
YouTube Viewer:
Great info for Dachshund owners!
YouTube Viewer:
What about Chihuahuas?
Modern Puppies:
Chihuahuas are normally in our Small PTPA. If you think your Chihuahua will be over 10lbs as an adult, then the Medium PTPA would be best.
YouTube Viewer:
if i have a bichon frise and coton de tulear mix would it be a medium or a large? because i have a puppy now but im not sure how big she'll get.
Modern Puppies:
A Medium Puppy Apartment would be best for that breed mix.
YouTube Viewer:
What size crate should i get for a European Doberman Pinscher? Also this is the best idea for dog owners all around.
Modern Puppies:
We would suggest an XLarge PTPA for a European Doberman as long us your Doberman is still a puppy. Please visit our web site for more details. Thanks for your inquiry.
YouTube Viewer:
When a dog is fully grown will it still be big enough?
Modern Puppies:
Yes. The PTPA will last for your dog’s entire life. It will take away all the stress of having to worry about your dog having to potty. Our system also teaches your dog that they only have one area in your home that they are allowed to potty, which is in the bathroom section of their PTPA. Just make sure you look at our PTPA Sizes chart on our web site before you order so you get the correct size for your dog.
YouTube Viewer:
This is absolutely brilliant! I cannot believe this idea has not been created until recently. I truly wish you the best of luck with this product and hope to see it in pet stores all across the USA and Canada (and the rest of the world)! I most definitely will be purchasing this in the near future when I get my puppy!
Modern Puppies:
Thank you for the kind words. We look forward to potty training your new puppy in the near future.
YouTube Viewer:
does this work with bigger dogs like german shepherds?
Modern Puppies:
Absolutely. German Shepherds are one of the most popular breeds currently using the Puppy Apartment.
YouTube Viewer:
I LOVE this idea. It really seems like it will work. Umm, what size is best for a labradoodle? Thanks, BTW the room divider seems GENUIS!
Modern Puppies:

Thanks for the kind words. Yes, the PTPA works extremely well and has successfully potty-trained puppies/dogs all over the world. Labradoodles can vary in weight. Standards normally range between 45-80lbs and Miniatures range between 25-45lbs. Please click on the PTPA Sizes link on our web site to help make the correct size decision based on your particular Labradoodle.

YouTube Viewer:
what size should i take for a Bichon Frise?
Modern Puppies:
We would suggest a Medium PTPA. A Bichon Frise normally ends up weighing between 10-16lbs as an adult. Thanks for your inquiry.
YouTube Viewer:
do you have one for Labradors???
Modern Puppies:

Yes. We would suggest an XLarge Puppy Apartment for a Labrador Retriever. Thanks for your inquiry.

YouTube Viewer:
What is the size of the cage that Ace was using in the video? because I'm planning to get one for my Maltese and Ace looks like a pretty small dog compared to mine.
Modern Puppies:
Ace was using a Small PTPA in the video that we have on our web site and on YouTube. Ace was approximately 5lbs during most of the video and has since grown to his final adult weight of 8lbs and he continues to use his Small PTPA as an indoor doggie bathroom. As long as you estimate your Maltese weighing under 10lbs as an adult, the Small PTPA should be fine. If you are unsure about the adult weight of your Maltese, a Medium PTPA will also work just fine.
YouTube Viewer:
Where can I get this product????
Modern Puppies:
You can get the Puppy Apartment on our web site. You can order online or over the phone. Please visit our web site for more details and pricing information.
YouTube Viewer:
What size should i get for a Pomapoo?
Modern Puppies:
A Pomapoo is normally in our Small PTPA. If you think your Pomapoo will weigh over 10lbs as an adult we would suggest the Medium PTPA. Thanks for your inquiry.
YouTube Viewer:

However, I have two chihuahuas that will NEVER sleep separated, so I have to get one that will fit them both, and I want one that will work for their adult sizes as well. What size would you recommend?
Modern Puppies:
If you think their combined adult weight will be less than 20lbs, then the Medium PTPA will be fine. If you are not sure on their projected adult weight, we would suggest a Large PTPA to be on the safe side.
YouTube Viewer:
i need one for my dog!!
YouTube Viewer:


what size should I purchase for a shih tzu?

Modern Puppies:


A Shih Tzu usually weighs between 9-16lbs as an adult. A Medium Puppy Apartment is the way to go for a Shih Tzu. The Puppy Apartment can never be too big, however, it can be too small if you order the incorrect size. Thanks for your inquiry.
YouTube Viewer: 
what is a good size for a Bichon Frise puppy?
Modern Puppies:
We would suggest a Medium PTPA. A Bichon Frise normally ends up weighing between 10-16lbs as an adult. Thanks for your inquiry.



YouTube Viewer:

im goin 2 order one soon, which one should i go with if im getting a Yorkie???



Modern Puppies:
A Yorkshire Terrier (aka Yorkie) can use either an XSmall or Small PTPA. If you are confident that your puppy will not grow to be over 5lbs as an adult we would suggest an XSmall PTPA. If you think there is a possibility your puppy will weigh over 5lbs as an adult then we would suggest a Small PTPA. If you are not sure about the adult weight, then the safe way to go is the Small PTPA. The PTPA can never be too big, however, it can be too small if you order the incorrect size.



YouTube Viewer:

looks good




YouTube Viewer:

What is a good size for a yorkshire Terrier?



Modern Puppies:
A Yorkshire Terrier (aka Yorkie) can use either an XSmall or Small PTPA. If you are confident that your puppy will not grow to be over 5lbs as an adult we would suggest an XSmall PTPA. If you think there is a possibility your puppy will weigh over 5lbs as an adult then we would suggest a Small PTPA. If you are not sure about the adult weight, then the safe way to go is the Small PTPA. The PTPA can never be too big, however, it can be too small if you order the incorrect size.



YouTube Viewer:

Do these work for larger breeds like Golden Retrievers?



Modern Puppies:
Absolutely. We would suggest an XLarge Puppy Apartment for a Golden Retriever as they usually end up weighing around 65-70lbs as an adult. Thanks for your inquiry.
YouTube Viewer:

this is a great idea !.!




YouTube Viewer:

Hi, this actually looks really good! what size should I get for a miniature french poodle??



We would suggest a Medium Puppy Apartment for your Miniature Poodle as they usually end up weighing between 12-18lbs as an adult.



YouTube Viewer:

I am thinking about getting my dog one of these. What size should I get for an American Cocker Spaniel??



Modern Puppies:
We would suggest a Large PTPA for an American Cocker Spaniel as they can get up to 30lbs as an adult.
YouTube Viewer:

What for a cairn terrier? Sorry for the repeating questions, my family is thinking about dog breeds.



Modern Puppies:
We would suggest a Medium PTPA for a Cairn Terrier as they usually end up weighing around 13-14lbs as an adult. Please let us know if you have any other questions. We are here to help.


YouTube Viewer:

how about a size for a pomeranian?



Modern Puppies:
Pomeranians usually weigh between 3-7lbs as an adult. We would suggest the Small PTPA for a Pomeranian. Thanks for your inquiry.



YouTube Viewer:

what size for a teacup yorkie?



Modern Puppies:
An XSmall PTPA should be fine as long as you estimate your teacup weighing under 5lbs as an adult. If you are not sure on the weight, we would suggest a Small PTPA to be on safe side.



YouTube Viewer:

I don't have a dog anymore but still this is a great idea and if I ever get another dog, I will surely get this! it is amazing!




YouTube Viewer:

I love the idea of this puppy apartment! I was wondering what size I should get for my new Shiba Inu puppy?



Modern Puppies:
Thanks! A Shiba Inu can range from 17-23lbs as an adult. We would suggest a Large PTPA for your new puppy.



YouTube Viewer:

I decided to purchase a PTPA for my 10-week-old poodle puppy. I live in a large studio apartment in New York City and thought the PTPA would be ideal for my new puppy and me. I have had the PTPA for about a month and he is now completely potty trained. I take no credit for this as it was all due to the PTPA. He had his final vaccinations last week and I started walking him outside. He now understands that he can also potty during his walks. The PTPA is amazing! Deborah Surdi



Modern Puppies:
Thank you very much for sharing your experience with the PTPA!



YouTube Viewer:

what size for a jack russell ?? this looks awesome!!!



Modern Puppies:
Thanks! We would suggest a Medium PTPA for your Jack Russell as they usually end up weighing around 14-18lbs as an adult.



YouTube Viewer:

Oh my gosh, this is an incredible idea! I can't believe this isn't the typical universally used crate yet. When this catches on, it'll be huge. you should try to get in touch with animal planet for recognition... I think you could either make millions off of this or sell the idea for millions.



Modern Puppies:
We appreciate your optimism for the Puppy Apartment. We plan on working with Animal Planet and having the PTPA in pet stores nationwide next year. We believe this will be the universally used potty training device and indoor doggie bathroom of the future. The PTPA is patent pending and we spent years testing it and successfully applied for our patent on the device and system. Our goal is to provide dog owners a better and more humane way to potty train their puppy/dog.



YouTube Viewer:

What size Puppy Apartment should I get for a beagle?



Modern Puppies:
We would suggest a Large Puppy Apartment for a Beagle. A Beagle can end up weighing as much as 30lbs as an adult. Thanks for your inquiry.



YouTube Viewer:

I will be getting an Ibizan hound puppy and do not know which size to get. It's a large dog and i want to make sure he doesn't grow out of it too quickly, but then again i don't want to get a crate that is too large and wont work!



Modern Puppies:
We would suggest an XLarge Puppy Apartment for your new puppy. A male Ibizan Hound normally ends up weighing about 50lbs as an adult. The Puppy Apartment can never too big, however, it can be too small if you order the incorrect size. We look forward to potty training your new puppy.



YouTube Viewer:

What size is good for a Pembroke Welsh Corgi?



Modern Puppies:
A Pembroke Welsh Corgi normally ends up weighing around 25-27lbs. We would suggest a Large Puppy Apartment in this case. Thanks for your inquiry.



YouTube Viewer:

where can i buy the puppy apartment?



Modern Puppies:
You can purchase the Puppy Apartment on our web site. The Puppy Apartment is not sold in stores and is only available on our web site. Next year the Puppy Apartment will be in stores nationwide.



YouTube Viewer:

Looks like a good idea




YouTube Viewer:

Can you use this for an adult dog that has been trained to go outside? I'm asking cause, I'm moving into an apartment in the fall and I don't want to have to lock up my dog for hours and make him hold it while I'm in class.



Modern Puppies:
Yes. The PTPA was originally invented and designed for puppies, however, adult dogs around the United States and Canada have easily adapted to this amazing potty training device and system. Just follow our simple tips and techniques in our Instructional Video and your adult dog will be able to make a smooth transition. Your dog will still be able to go outside and will have the PTPA as an indoor doggie bathroom while you are at school. Thanks for your inquiry.



YouTube Viewer:

What about a Bichon Frise? What size crate would be good for them? I think the medium would work, but i'm not sure. We might be getting a puppy soon. This seems so perfect for us. I'd love to see more testimonials though.



Modern Puppies:
A Medium PTPA is best for a Bichon Frise. If you would like to see more testimonials from PTPA customers, please click on the Puppy of the Month link or Testimonials link on our web site.



YouTube Viewer:

Hi, what size do you suggest for a miniature dachshund?



Modern Puppies:
A Miniature Dachshund can vary in weight. They can get up to 12lbs as an adult and also have a long body, which will require a slightly larger bathroom. You could get a Small PTPA, however, to be on the safe side we would suggest a Medium PTPA.



YouTube Viewer:

good vid what size for a border collies......thanks!



Modern Puppies:
Border Collies normally range from 30-45lbs as an adult. If you think your Border Collie will be less than 40lbs as an adult, then we would suggest a Large PTPA. If you estimate more than 40lbs then we suggest an XLarge PTPA. If you are unsure, then it would be best to get the XLarge PTPA. The PTPA can never be too big for your dog; however, it can be too small if you order the incorrect size. Thanks for your inquiry.



YouTube Viewer:

This is a very cool idea




YouTube Viewer:

Great video!! What size would you suggest for a Jack-a-bee?



Modern Puppies:
Thanks! A Jack-a-bee can vary in size, however, if you think your dog will be less than 20lbs as an adult, we would suggest a Medium. If you think your dog will be over 20lbs as an adult, we would suggest a Large. If you are not sure, then go with the Large to be safe. The Puppy Apartment can never be too big, however, it can be too small if you order the incorrect size.



YouTube Viewer:

I'm so glad I came across this video. My son is leaving for college and I hate walking the dog. I LOVE the dog, just hate walking him. I'm about to move into a new apartment, so this will come in handy. This is an answer to a prayer. I really hated the idea of getting rid of him. I tried before and could not. Can wait to order. I also love the monthly payments for this product. Thank you again:)



Modern Puppies:
Thank you for the kind words. We are happy that we can help keep your dog with you.



YouTube Viewer:

Great video i just got a new puppy so this is perfect. What size do you recommend for a beagle?



Modern Puppies:
Thanks, we are glad you enjoyed the video. We would suggest a Large Puppy Apartment for your Beagle.

YouTube Viewer:

What size for a Bichon Frise?



Modern Puppies:
A Bichon Frise normally ends up weighing between 10-16lbs as an adult. We would suggest a Medium Puppy Apartment for a Bichon Frise.



YouTube Viewer:

Hi there PottyTrainingAPuppy. What size would you suggest if we have a Chow Chow? And where can we buy those pads and the cushion where the dog sleeps?



Modern Puppies:
We would suggest an XLarge Puppy Apartment for a Chow Chow. You can buy the potty pads and bed on our web site. Thanks for your inquiry.



YouTube Viewer:

i am going to get two pug puppies soon but i can't decide which size to get, a medium or a large. i read that they can be between 17-24 lbs, so i'm not sure which one to get since the medium is 11-20 lbs and the large is 21-40 lbs. which one would be better for them?



Modern Puppies: 

If you are unsure which size is best, we strongly recommend ordering the next size up based on your estimate of how much your puppy will weigh as an adult. In this case, the Large PTPA would be the safe way to go. This way you can be sure the PTPA will last for the lifetime of your dog and they will never outgrow it. The PTPA can never be too big for your dog; however, it can be too small if you order the incorrect size.



YouTube Viewer:

love it im for sure get 2 for both my puppies :)




YouTube Viewer:

I am getting a Yorkshire terrier next year, and i heard they are very hard to housebreak? Will this stop him from going anywhere else do you think? and also what size would you suggest? Thanks (:



Modern Puppies:
A Yorkshire Terrier (aka Yorkie) is the most popular breed currently using the Puppy Apartment (PTPA). Yes, the PTPA can housebreak any breed of dog, even the Yorkshire Terrier. The dogs in our video are also considered a difficult breed to potty train; however, they adapted quickly to their PTPA and were easily potty trained. We would suggest a Small PTPA for your puppy, unless you know for sure he will be less than 5 lbs as an adult, and in this case an XSmall PTPA will be fine.



YouTube Viewer:

OMG I LOVE you!!! My dog is going to have puppies soon. And I want to have them trained before they go their new homes. She is a 12 lb, poodle and I don't expect her to have more than 4 pups. Will this work with that many in one PTPA? Im so excited about this product and haven't even ordered it yet! :) Im telling EVERYONE I know about this!! Genius



Modern Puppies:
Thank you so much for the kind words. Yes, you do have the option of having all four puppies in one Puppy Apartment. It is very smart of you to have them potty trained ahead of time. It will save the new owners a lot of time and make your puppies even more desirable. Thanks for spreading the word!



YouTube Viewer:

Is this available in India



Modern Puppies:
We currently ship to customers in the United States and Canada. We can ship to India, however, we suggest viewing our Shipping Policy on our web site for more details.



YouTube Viewer:

so when it gets older can i still use it as both? or just a bathroom?


Modern Puppies: 

Yes. You can use it as both or just as a bathroom, the choice is yours. You have so many options of how you want to use it, which is one of the many great things about the Puppy Apartment. As your puppy grows into adulthood, you simply move the Room Divider to enlarge the bedroom. This allows you to only have to purchase one Puppy Apartment as it will last for the lifetime of your dog.



YouTube Viewer:

what size for a lab/pit?



Modern Puppies:
That breed combination can vary in size. We would suggest an XLarge Puppy Apartment. The PTPA can never be too big, however, it can be too small if you order the incorrect size.



YouTube Viewer:

whats a good size for a female shiba inu? shes currently 13 weeks and about 11pounds so im thinking a small but im worried she will outgrow it fast? so should i get a medium?



Modern Puppies:
A female Shiba Inu normally weighs about 17 pounds as an adult. The Medium Puppy Apartment is the right size.



YouTube Viewer:

you can use this when your dog gets older right????? and what size for a norwich terrier



Modern Puppies:
Absolutely. After a dog/puppy has been potty trained by the Puppy Apartment, most dog owners will use the Puppy Apartment as a permanent indoor doggie bathroom. Some dog owners will choose to make it an alternative indoor doggie bathroom for situations in which they are not able to let their dog out, such as bad weather, going out for the evening, etc. We would suggest a Medium Puppy Apartment for a Norwich Terrier as they usually end up weighing about 12lbs as an adult.



YouTube Viewer:

what size would i need for a pembroke welsh corgi im thinking of getting one for when i get my dog



Modern Puppies:
A Pembroke Welsh Corgi normally ends up weighing around 25-27lbs. We would suggest a Large Puppy Apartment in this case. Let us know when you are ready. Thanks for your inquiry.



YouTube Viewer:

What size for a portuguese water dog?



Modern Puppies:
We would suggest the XLarge Puppy Apartment for a Portuguese Water Dog.


YouTube Viewer:
OMG cute idea with the bead and the pee pad never thought of that but where do you get the little divider with the door?



Modern Puppies:
Thanks. Our patent pending ROOM DIVIDER is included with the Potty Training Puppy Apartment. It is the only type of dog crate in the world that has this ROOM DIVIDER. We invented this one-of-a-kind device and system. We also include for FREE an easy-to-understand Instructional DVD, which will show you the correct way to use this innovative device.



YouTube Viewer:

omg ty for posting this video just what i needed for my pup tyvm



Modern Puppies:
Your welcome!




YouTube Viewer:
Where can i get one of these?



Modern Puppies:
Please visit our site for more information. Thanks for your inquiry.



YouTube Viewer:

Can you ship this product to Puerto Rico?



Modern Puppies:
Yes, we can ship to Puerto Rico. Please visit our site's Shipping Policy for more details. Thanks for your inquiry.



YouTube Viewer:

what size crate is this dog using? what size would be good for a pomeranian?



Modern Puppies:
The size of the Puppy Apartment in this video is a Small. Pomeranians usually weigh between 3-7lbs as an adult. We would suggest the Small PTPA for a Pomeranian. Thanks for your inquiry.



YouTube Viewer:

i cant believe I just watched the whole 15 mins of this video, I don't even have a dog..



Modern Puppies:
We are glad that you enjoyed the video. If you ever get a dog, please let us know. Thanks for the comment.



YouTube Viewer:

